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If you are selling an old phone online, use these tips to get a good deal – Marathi News | If you are selling an old phone online use these tips to get a great deal

If you have an old smartphone and want to sell it (Used Smartphone) to buy a new phone, then this news is going to be special for you.

While selling smartphones online..

Image Credit source: Social Media

Mumbai: Smartphones with many features have started coming in the market these days. Now almost everyone is thinking of buying a 5G phone. These days, phones with bigger displays, longer battery life are coming. If you have an old smartphone and want to sell it to buy a new one (Used Smartphone) If so, this news is going to be special for you. Today we are going to tell you some of the methods by which you can get a good deal on your old smartphone.

Advertise on different platforms

If you have an old phone and want to sell it, you can list it on platforms like OLX, Quikr. Before selling a phone remember not to advertise it in only one place. Listing separately increases your chances of getting a good deal on your phone.

Post good photos

Many times when selling a phone online, people are not able to put a picture of it properly. If you want a good deal on old phones, click and post high quality photos. This increases the chances of getting a good deal on your phone because the user checks the condition of your phone first. If your phone looks good in the image, the user will decide to buy it. Before listing an old phone, don’t forget to click good photos of it.

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Write a detailed description

If you want a good deal on an old phone, list its features and specifications properly. By writing the product description properly, the other person gets to know about the condition of the smartphone. Be sure to mention if your old phone has any cracks or marks. Also provide information on specifications, warranty and accessories.

Do not prioritize personal information

When you go to sell your phone online, don’t share too much of your personal information there. When selling phones online, avoid giving out your personal information. Because there are some dangers in the online world. Your personal information can fall into any wrong hands.

Accessories are great

If you want a better deal on your phone, you can add any additional accessory. By doing this, customers can be attracted. You can keep things like some old headphones, any cables or adapters. You can also provide the phone with its backcover.

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