Elon Musk Tweet: If I Die Mysteriously … Alan Musk’s Tweet | Elon musk tweets if i die under mysterious circumstances twitter
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Elon Musk Tweet: If I die mysteriously, it will be nice knowin ya, Musk said in this tweet.
Moscow: Twitter (Twitter) Alan Musk is currently under discussion for buying. However, as the discussion continues, Alan Musk (Elon Musk) ‘S tweet has caused a stir. Alan Musk tweeted about his suspicious death. This has created a stir and the reactions of citizens from all over the world are coming on his tweets. In particular, Alan Musk tweeted that Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin (Vladimir Putin) Has also been targeted. Therefore, many have supported Putin’s criticism. Some have expressed displeasure over Musk’s tweet. Musk’s tweet is not directly predictable. He mentioned a song in his tweet. So people all over the world are interpreting this tweet in their own way and are reacting to it in their own way. This tweet of Mast is also being shared.
If I die under mysterious circumstances, it’s been nice to know
– Elon Musk (lonelonmusk) May 9, 2022
What’s in a tweet?
“If I died mysteriously, it would be nice to know,” Musk said in a tweet. Musk’s tweet is not directly interpreted. So everyone is making sense of it. Musk also mentioned the song nice knowin ya in a tweet. This has also led to confusion.
Quite viral
Meanwhile, Musk’s tweet is getting viral as soon as it hits the timeline. Many people are sharing this tweet with each other. In the first hour, Musk’s tweet was shared by at least 33,000 people. There are also many reactions to this tweet.
Tweet after a week
Musk shared a screenshot of a translated message in this tweet. The message was sent by Moscow’s space chief Dmitry Rogozin, Musk said. Musk announced his decision to buy Twitter for 44 billion. A week later, Musk tweeted. Earlier, Musk had coined the term “Nazi”. The word Nazi does not mean that a person does what he thinks, tweeted Musk.
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