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Government | WhatsApp-FB Messenger will be closed arbitrarily..What is the tension with the government? Government proposes to bring internet calling messaging apps under telecom license

Government | WhatsApp-FB messengers are being watched by the government. This social media platform is likely to increase in difficulty.

New Delhi : WhatsApp (WhatsApp)Facebook (Facebook) of other Internet calling and messaging apps, including Messenger (apps)Difficulties are likely to increase. Sarkari on this social media platform (Social Media Platforms) Bear eyes. But the government is ready to rein them in. What is the matter.. let’s understand..

Once upon a time license king was famous in the country. At that time, the opposition had protested against the central dictatorship and against the License Raj. Now the government wants to control the arbitrary operation of social media. The government does not accept this media’s tyranny.

The government will soon introduce a law to curb all internet calling and messaging apps. These apps are now licensed before providing these services (License) It has to be removed. The Telecom Bill 2022 has been drafted. OTT in this (OTT) All these calling and messaging apps are included in the category.

On Wednesday, the central government made public the draft of this new bill. It has announced the decision to get license to provide services to all companies related to telecommunication services and telecommunication networks. Therefore, it has been made mandatory for all companies in this sector to obtain a license.

Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav has shared information about this on social media platforms. He has invited feedback, objections on the Telecom Bill 2022. He has shared the link of this draft. Responses have been invited.

Also read this

Currently, the government reserves the right to levy entry fee, late fee, license fee, registration fee, additional fee, fine or any other related fee processing on the registered companies in the telecommunication sector. Central government will take the decision regarding it.

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