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How to find and destroy haunted furniture in Fortnite

FORTNITEMARES 2022 is well underway, and with it, there are new quests to complete every day.

One of the harder quests to complete is to destroy the haunted furniture, which is a new mechanic to the game.


This chest is haunted.Credit: Epic Games

You have to destroy seven pieces, but without seeing haunted furniture before, it can be quite hard to find them.

We’ll tell you what haunted furniture looks like, and the best way to find and destroy it.

If you’re struggling with this Fortnite quest, here are all the tips you need.

Where to find haunted furniture in Fortnite

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As expected, haunted furniture can be found in houses in Fortnite.

Highly populated areas, such as Tilted Towers and Greasy Grove, are the best places to search for this.

While there are plenty of houses here, be careful of other players also on the hunt for furniture who could take you out.

You can tell when a piece of furniture is haunted because it will float off the ground and be surrounded by a faint white glow.

How to destroy haunted furniture in Fortnite

Destroying the furniture is easy once you’ve found it, as finding it is the difficult part of this quest.

Most items will crumble within just a few hits of a pickaxe.

You can also destroy the furniture with a gun, but this is noisy and can attract other players.

It’s also a waste of ammo, which can be a valuable resource.

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Once the furniture is destroyed, the ghost will escape and fade away.

Do this seven times, and you’ll have completed this Fortnitemares 2022 quest.

Written by Ryan Woodrow and Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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