Jail: If you use the Internet, you will go directly to jail, what is this?
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Jail : If you abuse the internet, you may be jailed.
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New Delhi : Today because of the internet (Internet) The revolution has come. In the time of Kovid-19, from education to banking, almost all activities are being done online. But with increasing internet usage comes cybercrime (Cyber Crime) has increased Cyber police as internet is being used as a weapon (Cyber Police) Such cases can be investigated and filed. In the case, the air of the jail may also be required.
Credit/Debit Card Cloning at ATMs, Ransomware, Identity Card Misuse, KYC Fraud, Cryptojacking, Drugs and Arms Selling through Dark Web, Social Media Stalking, Child Pornography, Crimes Related to Online Job Fraud, Fake Lottery Baiting, Social Engineering, Web Defection, Cyber Terror Things like this can feed you straight into prison air.
Not only this, cyber terror, computer virus spreading, cyber extortion, hacking of government websites are involved in it. These include things like harming someone, defamation, invasion of privacy, invasion of property, theft of private information and copyright.
Cybercrime Information Technology Act(IT Act) And under the Indian Penal Code you can be prosecuted for misusing the internet. The IT Act, 2000 came into force on 17 October 2000. It was researched in 2008. The Act provides for fine and imprisonment.
The Indian Penal Code, 1860, Reserve Bank of India Act has also been amended under the IT Act. The purpose of this Act is to cover e-governance, e-banking and e-commerce transactions. The Act has been amended to protect them.
Rules 65, 66, 66c, 66D, 66E, 66F, 67, 379, 420 of the IT Act provide for fines, but if found guilty of misusing the Internet, you may face imprisonment.
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