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Good News! The days of 5G are not far away! 5G spectrum auction approval, when will 5G service start? | Latest news on 5g network as center government gives nod to 5g spectrum auctions

Fiji Network …

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5G Network: With the advent of 5G, first of all, the internet speed will increase dramatically.

New Delhi: 5G auction in India (5G Auction) Has been approved. Union Cabinet (Central Cabinet Ministry5G auction approved and soon telecom companies in IndiaIndian Telecom companies) Will also be able to offer 5G services to customers. Telecom companies that are successful in the 5G auction will be allowed to provide 5G services across the country. No date has been set yet for the launch of 5G services in India. But over the past year, developments have gained momentum with the announcement of 5G. In today’s era of 4G, the speed of 5G is about to double. Therefore, it is believed that this will be a big revolution in the field of technology. It is also believed that many things will change.

According to a proposal by the Ministry of Telecommunications, 5G spectrum will be auctioned for the next twenty years. The auction is said to be at 72 Ghz. For the last few months, telcos have been continuously testing 5G. It is believed that the launch of 5G service will provide unprecedented speed for download and upload.

When will the auction take place?

The 5G spectrum auction is expected to take place by the end of July. Spectrum Lilivals will include three types of megahertz (MHz). 5G service likely to be released using mid and high brand spectrum. Spectrum leases will include low megahertz, medium megahertz and high gigahertz.

Telecom companies are also gearing up for 5G spectrum. Infrastructure is also being set up for this. According to a report, Fiji service is likely to be launched at an early stage in major cities, including metro cities.

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What will 5G change?

With the advent of 5G, first of all, the internet speed will increase dramatically. Internet speed will increase 10 times. It will also improve the quality of audio and video calls. There is also the possibility of a radical change in the field of gaming. 5G will make homes smarter by increasing the use of IoT devices. Experts also predict that drones will take care of agriculture, driverless vehicles and so on.

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