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Science News: Oxygen production with the help of carbon dioxide; Humans will live on Mars soon Mars Oxygen In Situ Resource Utilization Experiment

Science News: Oxygen production with the help of carbon dioxide;  Humans will live on Mars soon  Mars Oxygen In Situ Resource Utilization Experiment

The device, named Moxie, has been fitted to NASA’s Perseverance Rover. With the help of this device, oxygen is being produced from carbon dioxide on Mars. It is a small device about the size of a tiffin box. With the help of this device, 6 grams of oxygen is produced in one hour.

New Delhi : tuesday (Mars) Scientists are working tirelessly to search for life on the planet. Hopes of man going to Mars are high. Scientists have achieved great success in producing oxygen on Mars with the help of carbon dioxide. If these experiments are successful, the human effort to live on Mars will be successful. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has developed a special technology to produce oxygen on Mars.

NASA scientists have created a special type of device with the Perseverance Rover. This device has been successful in producing oxygen on Mars. Scientists have named this device Moxie.

The device, named Moxie, has been fitted to NASA’s Perseverance Rover. With the help of this device, oxygen is being produced from carbon dioxide on Mars. It is a small device about the size of a tiffin box. With the help of this device, 6 grams of oxygen is produced in one hour.

The trial of a small device installed on a pilot basis has been successful. Its new version will be several times bigger than this small device. With the help of this large device, it will be possible to produce a large amount of oxygen. This device can produce oxygen in any environment.

The hope of humans going to Mars rose

This device has raised the hope of humans going to Mars. Soon the dream of living on Mars will be fulfilled if the oxygen necessary for human breathing and survival is available.

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