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Cyber ​​crime : New way of cyber looting… Accounts cleared by hackers in the name of electricity bill… | New way of cyber fraud hackers are emptying accounts in the name of electricity bill

The rapid digitization in India over the past few years has made transacting easier. But this also shows an increase in problems to some extent. Hackers are deceiving the common man through new ways.

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Image Credit source: tv9

The present age is digital (Digital) is Even if you don’t keep any cash in your pocket, you can buy lakhs through digital only. You don’t need to have cash for it. But as something has advantages, it also has disadvantages. Just as digital transactions have made life easier, it has also made it more complicated. New cases of cyber hacking are emerging every day. Hackers (Hackers) finding new tricks every day to deceive common people (Fraud) making victims. New cases of hacking are emerging recently. In that case, the thugs are emptying the account through a link or message. Many highly educated citizens also fall victim to this. This creates a greater need for caution.

What does the report say?

According to the latest NCRB report, 4047 cases of online banking fraud were reported in India. Most of these cases are related to ATM fraud. Credit and debit card cases came second. Incidents of fraud have come to light recently, criminals send links to common people through messages and SMS in the name of collecting electricity bills. This message contains a link with bill information, click on it and ask to deposit money.

…and mobile hack happens

The link sent by thieves is not actually for electricity bill collection. Hackers hack mobile through this link. After clicking on this link, money is deducted from the customer’s account. Lakhs of rupees are being looted from the customer’s account within a few minutes.

Also read this

Cheating through WhatsApp and SMS

Hackers do this scam by sending links through WhatsApp and SMS. Due to this, users get trapped by the link and lose their money. Often, the messages sent through hackers threaten to cut the electricity if the electricity bill is not paid immediately. At such times common people panic and click on related links and lose money.

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