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what do you say Earth’s sea water brought by extraterrestrial stars, surprising discovery after 6-year space mission | Sea water brought to Earth by extraterrestrial stars, surprising discovery after 6 year space mission

Japan’s space probe (Hayabusa-2) lands in space. He collected 5.4 grams of rock dust during the investigation through this mission. After studying and analyzing it, a group of scientists and researchers claimed in June that some of the amino acids that formed life on Earth may have been formed in space.

Sea water came from space

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New Delhi – of the solar system (solar system)New research suggests that water may have arrived on Earth through small stars on the edges of the orbit. Scientists have claimed this surprising discovery based on samples collected after Japan’s six-year space mission. In order to shed light on the origin of life and the creation of the universe, these researchers 2020 small star (atheroids) by Ryugu (RYUGU) are analyzing the new material brought back to Earth.

Is life created from space?

Japan’s space probe (Hayabusa-2) lands in space. He collected 5.4 grams of rock dust during the investigation through this mission. After studying and analyzing it, a group of scientists and researchers claimed in June that some of the amino acids that formed life on Earth may have been formed in space.

Water came to earth from small stars?

According to a study by scientists from Japan and other countries published on Monday, water came to Earth from C-type small stars that are volatile and rich in carbon, so these stars are likely to be one of the main sources of water. But it has been said that the arrival of these volatile substances on the earth is still a matter of debate. The organic matter in Ryugu particles identified in this study indicates that it is an important part of the volatile source.

In 2014, Ryugu’s mission began at a distance of 300 million kilometers

Scientists have expressed the opinion that the matter created in this way is likely to be of extraterrestrial origin. But it has also been expressed that there is no possibility that this is the only volatile source that came to the earth in the beginning. The Hayabusa-2 mission was launched in 2014 at a distance of 300 million kilometers to Ryugu. Two years ago, it returned to Earth orbit to release a sample capsule.

Appreciation of findings from researchers

In the Neter Astronomy Study, researchers have praised the mission’s findings. The research notes that ryugu particles are one of the most unpolluted materials in the solar system to study in the laboratory. Ongoing research on these valuable samples will certainly expand our understanding of early solar system processes.

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