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Street Fighter 6 gets a new demo that’s available now on PlayStation

Street Fighter 6 comes out in a little over a month, but if you want to get warmed up before the game’s full release, you can check out a new demo on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 right now. If you’re on Xbox Series X / S or PC, the demo will be available on April 26th.

As part of the demo, you’ll be able to try out part of the game’s World Tour single-player mode, and build a custom avatar for World Tour that can be transferred to the full game at launch. (Well, as long you end up playing the full game on the same platform.)

Capcom revealed the demo as part of Thursday’s Street Fighter 6 Showcase, which was chock-full of new details about the game. Here’s just a few:

There’s a lot more I didn’t cover here, and I recommend watching the full show to learn about all of the new additions. The game is scheduled to launch on June 2nd.

Correction April 20th, 8:49PM ET: We originally misspelled Rashid’s name. We regret the error.


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