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Google Play Store: A special privacy tool in the Google Play Store, the app will tell you where the data is used! | The special privacy tool now in the Google Play Store the app will tell you where the data is used

Google Play Store

Image Credit source: tv9

Google has launched its new Play Store. Know what the benefits will be.

Mumbai: Now Android 12 users can resize users’ data entry with the help of Android Privacy Dashboard. This means that users can see which apps are accessing which features. Google to all app developers (To app developers) Is asked to complete the data security department by July 20, 2022. Apps for which you need the data security section (Department of Data Security) Not currently visible they will appear in the next few weeks. The Data Safety feature has been rolled out to the Google Play Store from today. Like Apple’s Privacy Nutrition label, Google has also released this data protection feature for Android devices. It now includes the personal information of the app developer user on the Play Store (Personal information) Can be seen compiling.

Google has also instructed app developers that if there are any changes to the app’s functionality, they will need to update them in the Data Safety section, so that users can learn about changes to the app.

What are Google’s new data safety features?

Google’s data security department will tell users that-

  1. For what purpose are developers taking data from them?
  2. Are developers sharing user data with any third party?
  3. Is Encryption Used to Send Data, the Security Information of the App?
  4. Can users ask to delete their personal data?
  5. Are apps on the Google Play Store eligible for Google’s security policy?
  6. Has the developer adapted the security practices of the app to the global range?

What did Google say?

Google wrote in its blog post, “Users want to know the purpose for which their data is being collected and developers are sharing users’ data with third parties?” In addition, users need to understand how app developers are protecting users’ data once they have downloaded the app. That’s why we’ve designed a data protection department so that developers can clearly tell which data is being collected and for what purpose. ” So far, after installing the app, it asks for access to select features like Camera Access, Location Access or Microphone Access, then users have to click on these options while using the app and always. Now, the safety of the users will be taken care of.

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